Power Cuts and Creativity!
I still remember some of the good old days when there was a daily power cut for about 1-2 hours. Especially in the evenings.
No electricity means no TV, lights, or any other digital devices. Which basically meant we had to leave whatever we were doing and just sit there with the candlelight.
It was one of those times where I just sat there without any distractions and my mind used to wander to the most beautiful places, think about my future, or life in general, or my principles and I used to get some of the best insights.
It was also a chance to have a meaningful conversation with the family members with nothing there to distract any of us.
Our minds are generally so busy during normal days that we don’t even stop for a few minutes to reflect, think, or ponder on our days or anything for that matter. We scroll and scroll and scroll all day and our mind will be in autopilot mode most of the time without being aware of or doing any actual thinking.
During power cuts, I used to get a chance to just stop everything and think about anything. I used to think about my past decisions, how some of them are affecting me or what I want out of this life, what should I do to make the most of my life, are there any important tasks that I need to take care of tomorrow?
Most of these thoughts, questions are important but not urgent. We allow our minds to wander and search for answers to all these important things only when we stop and reflect without any distraction which has become very rare nowadays.
Doing nothing and allowing my mind to wander are the times that I have come up with some of my original thinking and most creative ideas.
Even though we can just stop what we are doing and pause for a few minutes and think. It’s not something many of us take time to do. Back in our day. Power cut used to force us to do this and that was the time when I started to realize the importance of having time for ourselves doing nothing without any distraction.
when our body is at rest or doing a menial task, our mind is at its busiest.
Many of the anxieties, stress, or overthinking can be solved just by giving ourselves some time without any distraction and just thinking about it for some time.
By consuming the information all the time, I feel we have lost our ability to do our original thinking, have our own opinion. Taking a break from everything and being alone for a few minutes can do wonders and even change the way we see certain things permanently. All it takes is to set aside some peaceful time and let our minds do the actual work.
Artists have always understood that solitude and boredom are essential to the creative process.
Don’t wait for power cuts and start keeping just a few minutes aside in your busy schedule for just pondering, mind wandering, or for boredom. It can change your life!
Untill next time 👋