My most used Android Studio shortcuts

In no particular order:

  1. Command + l - Go to line

  2. Command + 6 - Open logcat window

  3. Command + e - Open recently viewed files

  4. Command + 1 - Toggle project window

  5. Command + 4 - Toggle run window

  6. Command + 5 - Toggle debug window

  7. Command + 7 - Toggle class structure

  8. Command + 9 - Toggle git window

  9. Command + o - Search for class/files/actions/symbols

  10. Command + k - Commit changes

  11. Option + f12 - Open terminal window

  12. Option + s - Sync gradle

  13. Option + d - Attach debugger to Android process

  14. Option + 0 - Open build dialog

  15. Option + Shift + f11 - Select devices to run the application

  16. Control + g - Select multiple occurrences of the selected text

  17. Control + v - Open vcs operation window

  18. Control + Shift + c - Close tooltips in Android studio

  19. Control + Option + c - Compare current open file with the branch

Untill next time 👋